Linear Methods of Applied Mathematics
Evans M. Harrell II and James V. Herod*
limn fn = g. In the second, there is no such g.
Example C.1: Let E be the vector space of continuous functions on [0,1] with the usual inner product. Let
and let g(x) = x on [0,1]. Then limn I|fn - g||2
As in Chapter II, we say that fn converges in the root-mean-square, or L2, sense.
Example C.2. This space E of continuous functions on [0,1] with the "usual" inner product is not complete. To establish this, we provide a sequence fp for which there is no continuous function g such that limn fn = g.
In chapter III we introduced the notion of uniform convergence. Recall:
Definition III.7.
A sequence of functions {fk(x)} converges uniformly on
the set to a function g provided that
Some terminology you may encounter for condition (*) is that the sequence fk(x) is Cauchy in the uniform sense. This condition guarantees that it converges uniformly to a limit, and that the limit is continuous:
Suppose that x ranges over a closed, bounded set
. If m > n implies that